April 15, 2023

How to Setup Paperr with Notion as CMS

How to Setup Paperr with Notion

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Setting up Paperr with Notion as a CMS is really easy. This can be done 3 steps which I will layout below. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

1. Signup

If you haven’t already please signup for Paperr & Notion.

2. Setup Notion

After signing up please duplicate this table. This is where you will be adding your blogs.


Paperr Notion Template
Paperr Notion Template

Once duplicated. Click on share and enable the share to web option.


After it’s available to access to anyone with the link. Go to https://www.notion.com/my-integrations & click on + New integration


Name the integration anything (we suggest Paperr) and click on “Secrets” on the left hand side


Copy the secret token you get here & store it safely. We will add this in our Paperr dashboard later.


Now go back to the Notion Database table and on the top right hand side click on the 3 dots > Add Connection > Search for the integration name (Paperr if that’s what you named it) & select it.


Last step is to get the database Id on the same page. Copy this part of the URL on the page you are on and save it as this is the database id.


So we saved integration secret and database id.

3. Add to Paperr

Now that we have the notion secret and database id, all we need to do is add that to the settings in your Paperr dashboard.


If you already have a domain just type that in eg - example.com or leave it blank.

Or else if you need a free subdomain from Paperr just add your brand name & a sub-domain will be automatically created & assigned to you.

Click on Save & you’re done!

Head over to Site Settings to set tracking, blog name, newsletter setup etc.